[FREE WEBINAR] 2019 learning technologies: what’s hot and what’s not?

How are your plans for learning technologies in 2019 looking? If you think there's too much noise out there, and not enough hard fact, you're not alone. Will artificial intelligence top the charts this year as the hottest technology in L&D or is that all buzz? Has adaptive or personalized learning finally peaked out and become part of our standard L&D strategy?
To uncover what's really happening in learning technology, use the results from the sixth annual Learning & Development Global Sentiment Survey to help you plan your L&D strategies for 2019 and beyond, based on hard numbers and sound analysis.
The survey asks respondents from all around the world to choose the hottest technology from the following list:
Virtual and augmented reality
Consulting more deeply with the business
Personalization/adaptive delivery
Showing value of L&D
Mobile delivery
VideoCollaborative/social learning
Neuroscience/cognitive science
Developing the L&D function
Micro learning
Learning analytics
Learning experience platforms
Artificial intelligence
Performance support
Register now for a free webinar to learn the results and plan for 2019
On 5 February, 2019, ioin Donald H Taylor, Chairman of the Learning and Performance Institute, and OpenSesame for a live webinar to learn more about the results of the survey and what technologies everyone's talking about, which are over-hyped, which are set to stay, and how learning and development trends varies by geography.
Donald H Taylor is a 30-year veteran of the learning, skills and human capital industries, with experience at every level from design and delivery to chairman of the board. He has been chairman of the Learning and Performance Institute since 2010. His background ranges from training delivery to director and vice-president positions in software companies. Donald has been a company director and shareholder for three companies through start up, growth and acquisition.