Check out our new infographic: Battle of the Century: eLearning vs. Classroom Learning ... [more]

One of the highlights of writing this blog is featuring some of the really innovative elearning design making its way into the OpenSesame elearning marketplace. Enspire Learning is the newest addition to the community of course sellers, and they have some of the coolest courses I’ve seen in awhile. Enspire’s staff is made up of folks with unconventional backgrounds bringing a rock’n’roll, Austin, Texas-inspired approach to elearning design. ... [more]

Enspire Learning: Creating eLearning Courses that Engage & Inform

I have not always been a blog enthusiast. “They require so much time,” I mumbled, while reading others’ lively, reflective, thought-provoking blogs. “When am I going to find time for that? How am I going to possibly find enough things to write about?” I worried so much it kept me from thinking about the potential positive outcomes.When my colleagues at OpenSesame tasked me with writing and editing this blog, I was thrilled that someone had pushed me to do what I hadn’t been able to push myself to do. But it hasn’t been easy.Blogging is hard work. ... [more]

Top Five Reasons You Should Write a Blog

This week, the OpenSesame management team is in Las Vegas for the Future of Web Apps, an annual event connecting web developers, business visionaries and creative technologists. (Our team will be tweeting the whole experience with the hashtag #fowa - don't miss it!)OpenSesame is co-sponsoring this conference alongside fantastic technology companies like Windows Internet Explorer 9, Zappos and Ning because we are eager to think about professional training content in a larger context: How is the web evolving? How do people use applications? ... [more]

OpenSesame at the Future of Web Apps

 Last week I traveled to Salt Lake City for eLearning DevCon, a conference targeted at elearning designers and developers. On Tuesday, I shared my reflections on sessions by  Jeremy Friedberg of Sponge Lab and Curtis Morley of Franklin Covey. ... [more]

Building Sticky Learning: Tips from Kathleen Witjing at eLearning DevCon

Last week I traveled to Salt Lake City for eLearning DevCon, a small, focused convention targeted at elearning designers and developers. This conference gets into the nitty gritty, with sessions examining new technologies and successful case studies. ... [more]

Building Jaws in Space: New Ideas at eLearning DevCon 2011

This afternoon, OpenSesame will present our business model and technology platform at the Venture Capital in Education Summit in New York in the beautiful IAC HQ building. ... [more]

OpenSesame Presents at Venture Capital in Education Summit

Check out our new infographic: What Can You Do With $100,000? ... [more]

Billionaire investor and venture capitalist Peter Thiel has stirred up a controversy in the tech and education sectors with a very simple argument: the formal education market is a bubble, both overvalued and overpriced. In addition, Thiel is concerned that too often college students end up unemployed yet overwhelmed with student-loan debt.In response, Thiel is funding a new fellowship that provides hundreds of thousands of dollars of seed funding for under-20-year-olds who “stop out” of school to start a new tech business. ... [more]

Peter Thiel, College and The Modern Knowledge Worker

Last week my colleagues and I traveled to Orlando for the American Society for Training and Development’s annual International Conference and Expo (the cool kids call it ICE). As always, I emerged exhausted from learning, chatting, socializing and making connections with Twitter friends. And, in this case, perhaps also from the 95 degree heat. ... [more]

Highlights from ASTD ICE 2011
