Humans are creatures of habit, especially habits that make our lives and daily tasks easier. But habits and technology are often at odds with each other. For example, in the 1980’s, business executives were reluctant to trade their paper rolodexes for computerized contact databases. ... [more]

Now is more critical than ever to view your cybersecurity investment similar to how you would justify insurance. The premiums paid – cybersecurity investments – reduce the expenses to a fraction of what they would be without coverage. Businesses that invest in cybersecurity to protect their business end up profitable, while those that don’t are left vulnerable to exorbitant costs. Which side of that equation do you want to be on? ... [more]

Technology that is difficult to use and hinders processes defeats the reason we use technology in the first place – that is to say, to increase efficiency, accuracy, etc. For L&D professionals, this type of pain is often felt when stuck using an outdated learning management system (LMS). You might very well understand the many benefits of upgrading your LMS; however, your executive team might not immediately see the full value of a investing in modern learning technology. ... [more]
How many Learning Management Systems (LMS) are used at your organization? As company size grows, learning is increasingly planned at the department level and the number of LMS increases--some companies use up to 30 LMS! Two-thirds of industry leaders admit that decentralized learning strategies hurt employee development, tenure and engagement. ... [more]
You had a great idea. You worked tirelessly to choose an eLearning course that would help your team grow. You made sure to provide enough materials, test their skills, and create a feedback system that works. Now what? Your course is ready to face the competition. It won’t be easy. There are dozens of courses to choose from, regardless of the topic the learner has in mind. Why should your employees be interested in this particular course? Even if these are your employees and you can easily make the course mandatory, you don’t want to do that. ... [more]
Have you ever been told to complete a six-hour elearning course on compliance? Or taken time out of your already busy schedule to attend a week-long intensive training course? Or perhaps you’ve been given a textbook full of information that was overwhelming to digest? Training can easily become time-consuming and draining for learners, so much so that learning can be lost as soon as 24 hours afterwards. Research suggests trying to learn too much at one time is simply not working. Technology is advancing, attention spans are decreasing, and learning and development is struggling to keep up. ... [more]
In a recent webinar and white paper, Donald Taylor, Chairman of the Learning and Performance Institute, challenged learning and development (L&D) professionals to rethink how they approached corporate training. ... [more]
People often misunderstand the next-generation teaching practices as technology-rich instructions. Blended learning, as well as personalized and innovative teaching methods, goes far beyond online lectures and high-tech devices. The point of this approach is to provide an individualized experience for each learner, based on their base of knowledge, skills, strengths, weaknesses, and interests. Due to the high level of personalization required for these teaching practices, there’s a common underlying question that makes us scratch our heads: how effective are they? ... [more]
Skills have a major bearing on workforce productivity – especially in developed economies where the majority of employees are knowledge workers. So why is it that systemic under-training and inappropriate training methods are commonplace in today's business environment, leading to skill gaps and a decline in productivity? Research we conducted last year exposed the correlation between inadequate training, skills gaps, lack of company growth and wider economic stagnation. Over 2,000 workers contributed to that research. ... [more]
You’ve invested in making a quality elearning course and you want learners to love it. Crafting the perfect descriptions and learning objectives will help you showcase your product to future learners. Don’t miss your chance to market it properly by lacking in writing skills. Create great first impressions to increase sales and usage of your course by following this detailed guide below. DESCRIPTIONS Descriptions shouldn’t be boring and dry, but rather help build excitement for someone looking to take the course or purchase for their team. ... [more]