If you are in a position to purchase training for your team, you know it can be a challenge to understand what course will most effectively meet your need. So, what follows is our proposal for a simple equation to help you evaluate the “effectiveness” of an online training course. ... [more]
OpenSesame doesn’t force buyers to make long-term commitments to huge catalogs. Instead, buyers pay for just what they use. ... [more]
Our previous post Everything That Can Be Digital, Will Be examines the migration of corporate training from traditional instructor-led training to elearning in the context of the digitization of other forms of media, like news, television and music. The conclusion from the data is obvious: Content that can be digital, whether news stories or songs, will be, because digital content is portable, flexible, convenient and affordable.The data also reveal a second point. Not only do consumers want their content to be digital, they want to consume it on their own terms. Content buyers ... [more]
Over the past 12 months there have been lots of posts written by eLearning thought leaders declaring the LMS to be dead in favor of more social and collaborative learning options. While I understand and applaud the reasoning - nurturing informal learning - there are still too many core uses for the LMS which are yet to be solved using a different system.I may be biased because I work in the LMS industry and know that our growth figures continue to rise as do the number of visitors to our site (thankfully). ... [more]
"Everything that can be digital, will be." Attributed to Benny Landa, founder of Indigo, the world's first commercially successful digital offset printing press, in 1993. In the past 15 years, the digitization of media has made content more flexible, affordable and accessible. Content streams from news to music are rapidly transitioning to digital delivery. This transition is also evident in the world of corporate training with the emergence of elearning. What do other media transition stories tell us about the evolving market for elearning? Newspapers Become RSS ... [more]
You are a Chief Learning Officer or a Training & Development Director, and you are creating a training program for a complex community of employees. You need everything from courses on customer service skills to advanced database management. You are tired of commissioning and updating the same courses year after year, listening to sales pitches and reviewing complicated contracts, only to hear the same reviews from your employees. OpenSesame is here to help.This is how you can save time, money and frustration.Order from the a la carte menu. ... [more]