Introducing Intern Class of Summer 2013

OpenSesame is excited to welcome our 2013 summer interns! This year, our interns will be focused on creating engaging content for our site visitors, honing their writing and SEO skills in the process. Our interns come to us from as far away as Boston and have a wide-range of interests and talents. We look forward to seeing what they can accomplish! Be on the lookout for their posts on our blog!
Ashrant Bhartia
My natural exuberance for life and my diverse interests stem from my unique upbringing and experiences. I was born in New Delhi, India, where I lived for 5 years before a collective decision was made to move to Los Angeles. Being a young, impressionable kid in a completely foreign country, I became instantly enamored by America’s individualistic approach to everything. The move provided me with a unique opportunity to understand the differences in the way Asians and Westerners think--a key insight that has helped me not only understand many cultures but also build lasting relationships within them.
Naturally when I returned to India to continue my education, I felt compelled to continue my exploration of new cultures, travel, and step outside my comfort zone. I quickly enrolled at a ‘Outward bound focused’ boarding school in the North of Scotland to continue my adventures. I’m currently studying Entrepreneurship at Northeastern University, but the spirit of adventure has led me, as least temporarily, to Portland to work for OpenSesame this summer.
Daniel Chen
The internship at OpenSesame attracted my attention because I was searching for a meaningful opportunity that would teach me the basics of early business development and digital marketing in a relevant, thriving field. Working at OpenSesame is especially pertinent now as some of the start-ups garnering the most attention involve eLearning. In both the academic and corporate world, digital education is playing a bigger and bigger role. I hope that my work here will help contribute to this progression and make education more prevalent and accessible.
As a student at Dartmouth, I am part of a three person team developing a textbook exchange website on campus and am very involved with a growing organization teaching English at a middle-school in rural Beijing. Both of these projects are relatively new organizations on campus, so I am hoping what I learn about marketing and business development from OpenSesame will be transferable to these projects. On my free time, I am a member of the Varsity swim team at Dartmouth.
Josh Nudelman
I am currently a sophomore at Chapman University, and am majoring in Communication Studies with a minor in Political Science. This summer I will be one of the interns with OpenSesame. I am very excited about this opportunity and ready to grab the bull by the horns. I believe that elearning will be a very prominent sector in the near future and will help our society greatly.
Outside of being an intern for OpenSesame one of my favorite past times is running. I am a member of the Chapman University Cross Country Team and qualified and competed at the NCAA Regional Cross Country Race. I try to run at least once a day and stay active.
Priyanka Bhatt
As an intern for OpenSesame, I will be reaching out to our varied customer base by providing interesting and informative articles on Business Skills and Sustainability. I studied Public Policy and Management at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh and Adelaide, Australia. Graduate school not only gave me an international and multi-cultural environment to work and grow in but it also helped me hone my love for the environment and push me to achieve my best. I developed a Business plan with a social cause of spreading knowledge of climate change to children in India. I also shared and presented my plan at the Clinton Global University in San Diego.
Additionally, I have worked in Public Relations in India for a wide range of clients--from Non-Government-Organizations to Educational Institutions. Being an extrovert, I enjoy meeting new people and am also an avid blogger and food photographer.