You have ideas, and sometimes you sit around and think about them and how great they are and how much they would help your home or workplace. But does anybody know about your ideas or methods? This four-part series prepares you to improve your communication and unleash your creativity and problem solving into the workplace. ... [more]

You are doomed to face conflict. It sounds harsh, but it is the unfortunate reality for those working in customer service. No matter how excellent you are at your job, someone at some point is going to direct their anger toward you. The customer is not in fact always right and the responsibility for breaking that news to them, and ensuring they leave happy and are willing to return, falls to you. Conflict resolution is a vital and undeniable part of the customer service role; luckily we’ve devised some tips to help you get through it. ... [more]

Have you ever heard of an “industrial-organizational (IO) psychologist?” According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics this occupation is predicted to grow 53% between 2012 and 2022, making it the fastest growing career in the next decade, yet many people have never heard of it. With a median income of $83,580 a year, presence and influence in the workplace is quickly growing for industrial organizational psychologists. Unfortunately, not all companies have the resources to hire an IO psychologist, but all companies could benefit from their help. ... [more]

The first post in our psychology series discussed the psychology of storytelling. Storytelling is an extremely useful tool for learning and memory and is one of the many different techniques used in elearning. Stories, pictures, experiences; these are the things we remember. You can sit in a formal training environment all day long, and chances are you will still only retain a fraction of the information presented to you. It isn’t because you aren’t paying attention; traditional training often simply fails to be memorable. In the end it comes down to the psychology of learning or, in this case, the psychology of elearning. Every day employers are struggling to figure out how to improve retention, which requires getting information into long-term memory and keeping it there. ... [more]

Why do restaurants, hotels, housekeeping services, and other hospitality businesses fail? If you ask around you will get a multitude of answers, and if you look further and dig deeper you’ll get answers specific to every kind of hospitality business. In the end there are a lot of different reasons for failure, but some carry more weight than others. This how-to guide can help you tank any business. If, on the other hand, success is your preference, this is a warning of what to avoid and how to succeed. ... [more]

Are you ready for an emergency situation? Disaster education and emergency preparedness are critical, no matter your industry. Despite the seriousness of these situations, these areas are often overlooked, resulting in lawsuits, fines, and even employee injury and death. Every industry—from construction, to business, to healthcare— is faced with risks that can be prevented or minimized with proper training. Being prepared not only protects your company from legal ramifications, it helps keep employees healthy and productive. ... [more]

Civil rights is an ever changing concept. Since the very founding of our country, this movement, or series of movements, has been a foundation on which people raise their flags and rally. As society is ever evolving, so is our definition of civil rights. 50 years ago tomorrow the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed. Title VII of this revolutionary act is recognized, and in many cases memorized, by HR departments everywhere. ... [more]

Signing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

Do you ever have days where you stare blankly at a computer screen for hours and never feel like you got anything done? We’ve all been there. Sometimes it feels as if no matter how much time you spend preparing a presentation, writing an email, or sorting through data, you are never going to get it done. You’ve read every “how to improve productivity” article you’ve come across with no results. Luckily there are many overlooked ways to improve productivity, decrease inefficiency, manage your time, and become a better employee. If you’re looking for ways to escape that unproductive rut, or if you’ve ever been stuck in one before (which we know you have, because we have too), this week’s featured courses are for you! ... [more]

Turn Chaos Into Order

A shock, a fall, a burn; these represent a small number of the injuries possible in day-to-day life. Injuries can happen to your employees in your workplace without proper precautions. Sometimes accidents happen, employees suffer from work-related injuries, and your company faces the risk of medical bills and lawsuits. Things happen, but these situations are almost always preventable. Employee injury can happen in dozens of ways, but it only takes a few small measures and a little bit of training to minimize employee injury and maximize efficiency. ... [more]

You may be wondering what connection there is between a country and a corporation. To be frank, there is very little difference in managing a country's or a company's image. If you happen to follow any Olympic athletes on Twitter or read the news online, you're probably hearing horror stories of the inability to flush toilet paper, lights falling from the ceiling, unsafe water, and lost reservations at Russia's Olympic Village. This is certainly not the image Russia wants to portray. As a business, you want to avoid this kind of tarnished image at all costs. Social media and public relations can make or break you. ... [more]

Russian Flag
