What We're Thankful For

Happy Thanksgiving!

As Thanksgiving approaches, and we all hustle to the grocery store, pack bags and brine turkeys, we are reflecting on all we have to be thankful for. And at OpenSesame, that’s a lot!

On behalf of the OpenSesame team, I’d like to say a big, hearty thank you to the entire elearning community. Over the last year, we have grown quickly with great support and engagement from a community of buyers and sellers  who share one goal: Making learning possible.

What a great goal! And what an honor it is to be part of a community that values, encourages and supports meaningful improvement in people’s lives. We are consistently impressed by this community’s commitment, tenacity and passion for their mission. In turn, we’re eager to be a member of the team - committed to opening new doors and removing technological obstacles to learning.

We are deeply committed to unlocking learning in every way, for every learner. We are thankful for your ideas, your support and your questions - challenging us to do better and giving us the opportunity to do more.

Thank you for the opportunity to work with you, and may this Thanksgiving bring you, your communities and your families many opportunities for gratefulness. 

Image Credit: carfull...farewell to summer on Flickr