OpenSesame Has 3,000 Courses to Choose From

A year ago, OpenSesame launched our elearning marketplace to a discerning crowd of learning and development professionals at DevLearn. This year we’re celebrating our one year anniversary at DevLearn with a new milestone: Our catalog has now reached the 3,000 course mark. 

Throughout the last year, our most important goal has been creating the broadest, freshest and deepest catalog of elearning courses anywhere. Why? We want to be your elearning one-stop shop, where you can find the courses you need, research them, read reviews, make a purchase and instantly use only the elearning courses you need, in the quantity you need. 3,000 courses is just one more milestone in our quest.

The OpenSesame catalog encompasses courses on a wide variety of topics - from management to safety - in many languages, including English, Chinese, Spanish and French. We have courses from great developers, including Syntrio, Tandem Learning, Global Collaboration Partners, Enspire Learning and ej4 - and we’re adding more every day.

In addition to partnering with hundreds of course developers, we have developed a patent-pending SCORM video player that connects videos to learning management systems. It’s our goal to change not only the way you purchase content but to change what kind of content you use.

We very much appreciate all of the support and feedback we’ve received over the last year from buyers, sellers and other learning thinkers - and we’re always ready to hear from you. Thank you for your interest, your ideas and your curiosity