Have you ever taken an online course where you speed through the material, take the quizzes and get it out of the way? We’ve all been there. Have you sat through a class lecture drifting off into your own world because of the teacher’s boring material and monotone voice? We’ve all been there, too. Finding a balance between in-person and online learning is an ongoing challenge to many businesses and universities. eLearning is a valuable tool that can change the way people learn whether it be for their education, career or soft skills. A key factor to elearning is the way it’s being taught. ... [more]

Skills have a major bearing on workforce productivity – especially in developed economies where the majority of employees are knowledge workers. So why is it that systemic under-training and inappropriate training methods are commonplace in today's business environment, leading to skill gaps and a decline in productivity? Research we conducted last year exposed the correlation between inadequate training, skills gaps, lack of company growth and wider economic stagnation. Over 2,000 workers contributed to that research. ... [more]

In 1980, there were no female senior executives in the top 100 businesses in America.   In 1994, there were no female CEOs of Fortune 500 companies (Pew).   By 2015, women held 14% of the top five leadership positions in Fortune 500 companies (CNN).   In 2016, there were 21 female CEOs, or roughly 4% of the overall (Fortune).   This is, most certainly, progress.     It can be tempting to view such advances for women in the workplace with satisfaction and even complacency. ... [more]

Generation Z—typically described as those born after 1995, who can’t remember life before the internet—are reaching maturity. The oldest of the generation are starting to enter their 20’s and the workforce. An enormous amount of research has been done on generational traits, and below we'll highlight five of those traits, as well as what they mean for the workplace. ... [more]

Generation Z