If you operate a business in the state of California with over 50 employees, you may be fairly familiar with AB 1825 which requires companies to provide at least two hours of sexual harassment training to supervisors. However, in the past two years these policies have been expanded. Have you been keeping up with the most recent training updates?   Updates to California Sexual Harassment Training   Currently, AB 1825 alone will not satisfy compliance requirements. As of 2015, California also requires that companies comply with AB 2053 which includes training on abusive conduct. ... [more]

Group of business professionals reviewing AB 1825 Sexual Harassment updates

In a recent OpenSesame webinar, Cushing Anderson, IDC’s IT Education and Certification Research Program Vice President, shared his research of the characteristics and practices of 250 organizations and their use of elearning. Anderson outlines that having the right amount of courses and implementing an elearning program is not a guarantee of success. ... [more]

Image of woman in office with tablet

Why did people assume an Asian woman in the BBC news video was the nanny?   By now, most of the Internet seems to have seen the video of a BBC interview being interrupted by two small children. International Relations Professor Robert Kelly’s interview about South Korea was briefly interrupted when his two small children walked in. ... [more]

BBC News interview Robert Kelly and children via BBC News

If you’re familiar with game jams, then you know what an all out marathon they can be. If you’re not, here’s the gist: you stay up for a whole weekend planning, programming, and coding a brand new game. Oh, and you try to find time to eat and sleep (a little). Basically, game jams are the intense way to generate new ideas for new content and new programs as fast as possible. So how does this connect to elearning? Well, they’re called training jams, and they’re game jams with an elearning twist. ... [more]

Virtual Reality. A computer-generated environment that lets you experience a different reality. It’s a brilliant and exciting concept, but unfortunately it has been more of a cliché than a reality over the last several years. VR is a technology that has shown promise and has seen validation from a variety of sources, yet has not seen the implementation that most people hoped for… until now. Below you will see areas where virtual reality is trending in society today.   Gaming Industry Around the world virtual reality is becoming a hotter topic. ... [more]

eLearning is an ever growing industry and various companies are beginning to take advantage of the accessible technology. Employee training is timely and there are thousands of requirements within each industry, making elearning an effective option for all. With over 13 million employees working in either retail or restaurants, customer service accounts for a vast majority of online learning. ... [more]

Imagine this: you’re a Human Resources Manager for a small company and you’re tasked with providing required sexual harassment training for 85 employees. You hear about a company creating game-based, virtual simulation courses in lieu of traditional in-person training. What do you do? A) Stick with the old training and hope your employees absorb and retain the information or B) Try out the new virtual simulation training course and see if your employees learn better through participation in a world of virtual choices and consequences. ... [more]

Unconscious biases are reinforced by the environments we grow up in and past experiences in our life. We could unknowingly be discriminating against people based on factors such as race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation and class. Remember--this doesn’t mean you aren’t a good person. However, it is necessary to address the existence of this phenomenon, and recognize the way our unconscious minds think. Here are 3 benefits of defying the unconscious bias in the workplace. ... [more]

Food safety problems can occur anywhere on the supply chain, ranging from farming to distribution to cooking food at a restaurant. Because of this, proper food safety procedures and measures must be taken at all stages of food handling. With September being National Food Safety Education Month, we want to help you ensure your business is following safe and healthy food handling procedures. ... [more]

The average user leaves a web page in about 10-20 seconds (Nielsen/Norman Group). As I’m writing this, my browser history shows that I’ve visited 18 unique pages in the last five minutes, and that’s on the generous side. In the short period that a user first visits a page, she quickly determines whether the page will meet her needs. Suddenly, simplicity becomes the most important factor for attracting the user and keeping her interested. ... [more]
