It’s true, Millennials are entering the workforce in droves and often leaving employers scratching their heads as to the best way to handle these digital natives. No longer is the business world dominated by traditional thinking when it comes to hours, work habits, or even employee training. With Millennials at the helm, the professional world is bound to change, and when it comes to corporate learning initiatives, elearning is the key. ... [more]

Millennials continue to be the buzzword around the workplace as employers try to understand their needs, attitudes, and expectations. They are consistently analyzed, scrutinized, and under the microscope. Known for short employment life cycles, need for instant gratification, and entitlement, they are perceived as lacking work ethic. Every day, 10,000 baby boomers turn 65, leaving the workforce at a rapid rate. Millennials are the next generation of leaders, let’s get them ready. ... [more]

While generalizations about every member of a generation should be avoided (ie. all millennials are technology-obsessed and boomers are self-absorbed workaholics), sometimes behavioral trends can be helpful. ... [more]

Emoji, once reserved for text messages between teenagers, are now seen globally -- even in the workplace. In fact, 76% of US workers admit to using emoji in communication at work. Thanks to the growing population of Millennials in the workforce and changes in digital communication, it has now become more appropriate to use emoji in work communication. ... [more]

When:  Tuesday, September 22, 2015 at 11am ET   OpenSesame's latest webinar aims to help you get a different perspective on our newest generation of talent–the 18- to 34-year-old Millennials–with a mix of excitement, confusion, and hesitation. ... [more]

Generation Z—typically described as those born after 1995, who can’t remember life before the internet—are reaching maturity. The oldest of the generation are starting to enter their 20’s and the workforce. An enormous amount of research has been done on generational traits, and below we'll highlight five of those traits, as well as what they mean for the workplace. ... [more]

Generation Z