People go crazy over Millennials (between 21 and 41 years old). We make it sound as if these guys have suddenly emerged to disrupt our world. We’re 20 years too late to think like that. The truth is that we’re going to go through a real disruption when Generation Z surfaces if we don’t start prepping now. ... [more]

Internships are valuable experiences to have before the real job search begins. It’s an opportunity to enter a professional environment where they can make connections, learn new skills, and determine where their interests lie. You might be wondering how these interns can benefit you. Here are five benefits of establishing an intern program in your company! ... [more]

At OpenSesame, we believe in supporting fellow tech startups, and today we have compiled a list of four online tools from these businesses. The only two pieces of criteria for selection were that the companies and their tool had to: a) belong to Gen Z (founded after 2004) and b) be used by the OpenSesame team. ... [more]

When:  Tuesday, September 22, 2015 at 11am ET   OpenSesame's latest webinar aims to help you get a different perspective on our newest generation of talent–the 18- to 34-year-old Millennials–with a mix of excitement, confusion, and hesitation. ... [more]

Generation Z—typically described as those born after 1995, who can’t remember life before the internet—are reaching maturity. The oldest of the generation are starting to enter their 20’s and the workforce. An enormous amount of research has been done on generational traits, and below we'll highlight five of those traits, as well as what they mean for the workplace. ... [more]

Generation Z