How millennial am I? Well, I scored a 96 on Pew Research Center’s “How Millennial Are You?” quiz. Apparently pretty millennial! Though I am most definitely part of the Millennial generation, I was surprised at how high my score was. As I read the multitude of reports about my generation in the workplace, I often find myself on the defensive, thinking “I’m not like that!” (I don’t spend all day watching TV, playing video games, or complaining about how I’m treated by other generations. I don’t think I’m particularly flakey or unreliable). It is important to remember that while we are a generation sharing some key characteristics, we are also individuals. ... [more]

Gen Y/Millennials

At the beginning of each month, like clockwork, news organizations will run a story highlighting the latest “jobs numbers.” Typically this brief 10-30 second sound bite will announce the number of jobs created and any change in the unemployment rate—and that’s about it. Perhaps we will hear a more in depth report when there is a major shift or the announcement of a new initiative, but the majority of time reports on economic recovery are boiled down to these two numbers. ... [more]

Youth Unemployment

In my experience Gen Y are not afraid to step up and take on responsibility. They possess a ‘can do attitude’ and are great team players. 28% of managerial positions in the United States are already held by Gen Ys, those born between 1980s – 2000, also known as Millennials. Common characteristics of Gen Ys are that they are confident, motivated, and looking for balanced lifestyles. ... [more]

Gen Y Leader

As creative professionals, project managers, or company leaders, we all seek ways to improve our workflow and increase productivity in the workplace. In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, we're highlighting a tool many people in our office use (and love) to reduce the stress of tracking tasks. I’m pleased to announce that the days of running to Target to purchase a packet of flashcards and post-its are over. So how will you keep track of every single task you need to accomplish on your to-do list for the week? Not to worry! Allow me to introduce our new colleague, Trello. ... [more]

May is Mental Health America’s 65th Mental Health Awareness Month; the theme for 2014 is “Mind Your Health.” I have my undergraduate degree in psychology, so this is a month and topic I’m passionate about and excited to explore further. Throughout the month, I’ll be covering a variety of mental health and general psychology topics! ... [more]

Head with Gears

When we started offering online courses about 3 years ago, we had not even considered that our courses would be useful to employees wanting to fill embarrassing skills gaps. During appraisals, an employee can easily bring up the desire to attend a conference detailing the latest techniques or latest research. But how easy is it for a senior manager bring up the fact that they need a little help with their presentation skills? How will a newly promoted manager feel when they have to raise the fact that they feel they have lost control of their team and could do with some management training? While some of us would feel comfortable to raise the issue, many of us would recoil at the thought. ... [more]

Confident Man

Quality leadership training for your front-line employees should align to your talent strategy which in turn should align to the overall corporate strategy. You may have determined the needs of your employees through a formal ‘Learning Needs Analysis’ or by informal data gathering on the current and future skills required. Either way, selecting a training solution should have clear and defined expectations from YOU and also include the ‘what’s in it for me’ factor for YOUR employees. You and your employees are the “Y” in QLTY. ... [more]

Leadership Meeting

When you look back on the last time you interviewed a candidate for a position in your company, did you wonder whether the applicant was telling you the truth? You might know how to detect lies, but there are actually ways to increase your accuracy in lie detection. Vanessa Van Edwards, OpenSesame’s newest seller, is an expert in body language and nonverbal communication. Vanessa is a Huffington Post columnist, a keynote speaker at many corporate training events, and frequently makes appearances on popular networks like NBC’s The Today Show! ... [more]

Human Lie Detector

There is a widening skills gap in the workforce. “Industry brain drain" is a contributing factor, in which increasing numbers of mature workers leave the workforce, resulting in a loss of vast amounts of valuable knowledge and experience. Help these employees make their "comeback" to the workforce, while also helping your bottom line. ... [more]

Older worker with younger colleagues

Our theme this week is “Comebacks.” Yesterday we covered coming back from the Exxon Valdez oil spill; today we’ll switch gears and look at a few big comebacks in the business world! If you’re like most highly successful people, you’ll have to experience a certain amount of failure before your big win. If you’re a young person just starting out, you may feel the obstacles to success are insurmountable. If you’re a seasoned business professional trying to save a drowning company, you may feel you’ll never make it. Have no fear! You may be at your lowest, but you’re not alone. There are many examples of great business comebacks; here are a few to inspire you to make your comeback! ... [more]

Ford Model T
