You’ve invested in making a quality elearning course and you want learners to love it. Crafting the perfect descriptions and learning objectives will help you showcase your product to future learners. Don’t miss your chance to market it properly by lacking in writing skills. Create great first impressions to increase sales and usage of your course by following this detailed guide below.   DESCRIPTIONS Descriptions shouldn’t be boring and dry, but rather help build excitement for someone looking to take the course or purchase for their team. ... [more]

A year ago if you were to ask if I see any commonalities between social media and elearning I would respond with, “absolutely not - they’re total opposites.” Initially, when most people think of elearning they envision education, compliance courses and maybe a quick way to learn a new computer skill. On the other hand, social media is used for connecting with family and friends, posting photos and making status updates. Despite these obvious differences, elearning and social media have a lot in common and can benefit from one another. ... [more]

It’s no wonder an increasing amount of businesses large and small have invested time and money into creating blogs. Whether you’re wondering how to be a leader instead of a boss, or how to deal with angry customers, where do you go? The internet. Blogs have been garnering popularity due to their succinct, creative ways of imparting information, whether it is through infographics or “Top 10” lists. ... [more]

At OpenSesame, we believe in supporting fellow tech startups, and today we have compiled a list of four online tools from these businesses. The only two pieces of criteria for selection were that the companies and their tool had to: a) belong to Gen Z (founded after 2004) and b) be used by the OpenSesame team. ... [more]

What do tweets, Vines, superhero films, and lists all have in common? Answer: They are all deliberately designed for a generation with shorter attention spans. In this digital age, it feels impossible to work in a tech-dominated industry without coming to the conclusion that the world as a whole, especially the younger generations, have shorter attention spans than ever. The average American attention span in 2015 was recorded at 8.25 seconds, roughly one second less than that of a goldfish. The creation of the aforementioned social media sites and the popularity of business blogs suggests that the marketplace is rapidly adapting to these changes in attention spans. What can you as a business owner with an online presence do about this then? One word: titles. ... [more]