Hello from Our New Content Specialist Carl!

Hi there! I am Carl Kaplan, Content Specialist. I’m excited be joining the excellent folks here at OpenSesame and am looking forward to helping the content team expand our library of courses.
Before starting at OpenSesame, I worked in business development at Boombotix, a startup specializing in portable music solutions for active lifestyles. I’m thrilled to continue working in the startup space—there’s something about the high level of activity in these environments that really fires me up.
I’m relatively new to Portland, having spent the last six years in the Bay Area of California. While there, I studied psychology at UC Berkeley, a pursuit that left me with a great deal of respect for (and insight into) interpersonal relations. I love communicating with people of all sorts of backgrounds and am of the firm opinion every person has a valuable and interesting story to tell.
In my free time, I love to explore the many offerings of my new city, although I also like to get out of town and into the mountains. I have a deep connection to the outdoors, and on weekends you can often find me camping, hiking, or gardening in my backyard. I also love to cook, and Portland has inspired me to take this hobby to the next level. I’m currently honing a recipe for herbal tea popsicles, which I hope to have ready in time for Summer!
I couldn’t be happier to be joining the OpenSesame team and am eager to unlock my potential at this incredible company.