Safety Training and eLearning Programs: The Look is Important

We all judge books by their covers. Whether we’re picking out a restaurant for the evening or buying a car, we’re all influenced by appearances to make choices that might even be unwise. That tendency to judge applies to training, too.
If you ask training participants what they think of an elearning course, odds are they will comment on the graphic design as much as the learning content.
If you’re an elearning developer, it’s not enough to have great training to share. Your course must be appealing and professional in appearance as well as in content. Whether you are designing an online safety training course or a sales training course, remember that buyers will not invest time and money in a course if they can’t get past initial appearances.
Safety Training and eLearning Programs: The Look is Important
Here are tips on designing safety training courses that will attract buyers’ attention:
- Use color wisely. Colors entice us, so choose colors that work together and complement the content of the course. Start by learning the basics of color theory so you can use color to your advantage and use online tools like Color Schemer to created coordinated color palettes for eLearning courses.
- Don’t over-design. If your course looks like it was recorded or designed in the 80s, you should probably consider an update. Resist the urge to use every bell and whistle or animated feature your authoring tool offers. Lost? Take a look through the OpenSesame catalog to get a feel for what other training designers are doing. You will get a feeling for what works and what doesn’t.
- Be consistent. Create cohesive designs that make sense from page to page. Jarring transitions can distract learners from valuable content.
In every case, you have to keep in mind that besides having a solid teaching design and significant content, the course must also present good visual and relevant design to make it appealing to potential students.
OpenSesame connects the buyers and sellers of elearning courses in a marketplace where elearning courses are easy to publish and connect to any LMS. Our goal is to create a community where both buyers and sellers thrive and eLearning is accessible, easy to implement, and rewarding for everyone. Shop for elearning courses on OpenSesame to:
- Purchase only the elearning courses you need, with no long-term commitments or complicated contracts.
- Use any learning management system that works for you. We don’t discriminate.
- Our patent-pending technology ensures we instantly connect course content securely to any LMS in minutes, instead of months.
Shop from OpenSesame's full catalog of safety courses here.
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Image Credit: Ei! Kumpel on Flickr