At OpenSesame, we take pride in partnerships with our sellers and affiliates. We are constantly seeking to extend and enrich those partnerships, and we think social media is a great way to do so! We've created this infographic to provide tips for you, our sellers, on how to optimize your social networking. You'll learn the basics of each major social network and how to best connect with OpenSesame on each. Check out this infographic—we hope to hear from you via social media soon! ... [more]
We’re getting into the Halloween holiday spirit here at OpenSesame! To help you celebrate this fun holiday, we’ve picked the best Halloween themed courses from our catalogue. Help your employees have a little fall fun with these ghoulishly great courses! ... [more]
October is National Fire Prevention Month. Are you prepared to deal with a fire emergency? Get the fire safety training you need and review these resources–US Fire Administration, National Fire Protection Association–to ensure you’re able to protect your home and business. Get the facts about fire with our infographic. ... [more]

Every week we round up the major news from the HR and training fields to present to you. This week, there were plenty of interesting stories to choose from. Check out our stories on standing at work, HR and social media, and more! ... [more]
The switch from country-specific hazardous materials labeling, standards, and training to the UN GHS (Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals) can be confusing. What are the deadlines for changes and what can you expect? ... [more]
Have you always wanted to be able to indicate "Expert" when describing your Microsoft Office proficiency level? Basic knowledge of Word and Excel is often required for jobs but the work itself typically demands a better understanding of those, and other, Microsoft Office applications. Why not "wow" your employer with an advanced understanding of not only Word and Excel, but the entire Microsoft Office suite? This week’s Course of the Week, the Complete Microsoft Office Bundle from Simon Sez IT, teaches you everything you need to know about Microsoft Office 2013. ... [more]
RN, BSN, LPN, CNA… There are many pathways to nursing, each varying slightly in training, responsibilities, and of course, pay. To get a closer look into the field of nursing, I researched the levels of nursing hierarchy and interviewed six current nurses about their backgrounds, jobs, and what they see for the future of nursing. ... [more]
To kick off our week centered on nursing and nurse training, we’ve created an infographic summarizing the state of the nursing in 2013. As a growing field, nursing can be hard to keep up with; here you’ll find all of the up-to-date industry information to keep you in the loop! ... [more]

Each week we take the most interesting news from the human resources and training fields… and this week there were plenty of exciting stories. Check out our stories on California’s newest digital law, Bill Gates’ “mistake,” work weight gain, and more. ... [more]
While not everyone has heard of “lean” training, they’ve certainly heard of major companies who employ the technique-- Ford and Toyota are among the fans. This manufacturing style seeks to maintain a streamlined production system to help companies stay competitive and relevant. This week’s Course of the Week, the Lean Training Bundle, from Automated Learning Corporation teaches everything you need to know about implementing lean manufacturing practices in your own company. ... [more]