Take an eLearning Test Drive and Preview Your Courses

When is the last time you purchased a product wearing a blindfold? I’m guessing never. From mp3 music to baby clothes, and everything in between, buyers have the advantage to browse online catalogues and purchase almost anything...without having to leave their work desk or couch.
Making online purchases has become convenient and easy. To strengthen this convenience, ecommerce websites have implemented several functions for buyers to make their experience satisfying. These functions include displaying product descriptions, realistic images, and honest customer reviews. Buyers are more likely to be satisfied with their purchase when they know exactly what they are purchasing.
Excellent user experiences are in demand for buyers. In the elearning world, we want buyers to know exactly what they are purchasing. On OpenSesame, you have the option to preview courses before you add it to your cart. This is convenient because:
You experience course features and quality before you buy.
You catch a glimpse of what your employees will see.
You can preview as many courses as you want!
These are 2 ways to preview courses on OpenSesame:
1) When you browse courses in the grid layout, click “Free Preview” on the bottom left hand corner of each course title.
2) On individual course pages, click the main course image to preview.
Previewing courses on OpenSesame is that easy...no blindfolds necessary. Course preview times range in length, but should give you a solid idea of the course content and presentation style.
Let us know how you like the course preview feature in the comments below!