The OpenSesame Partner Program

OpenSesame is the world’s largest marketplace for online training courses, with more than 20,000 courses that work in any learning management system. eLearning developers publish courses for sale in the marketplace while OpenSesame’s sales and marketing efforts connect their courses to new customers around the world.
OpenSesame’s Partner Program helps content, LMS, and other elearning companies earn additional revenue by introducing buyers to OpenSesame.
Here’s How It Works
The OpenSesame Partner Program enables you to connect your customers with online training courses—making it easy for you to offer customers a complete training solution, from a complete range of content offerings to supplementing a training platform with a content selection.
If your company develops custom content or offers in-person training, becoming an OpenSesame Partner will help you offer a broader selection of courses and training options to your customers.
If your company develops a learning management system, you can make sure your customers have an easy way to find the training content they need by connecting them with OpenSesame. Even better, you can use our API to integrate the OpenSesame catalog right into your LMS, making training instantly available to your LMS users.
As a Partner of OpenSesame you will be able to promote any of our courses directly to your customers at your own discretion; we’ll handle transactions, customer support and course hosting. The OpenSesame Partenr Program is designed to help you expand your business by offering a wide range of products and services to your customers, while earning a percentage of each course sold.
Next Steps
Interested in learning more? Please contact We look forward to working with you to establish a mutually beneficial relationship.