May is Mental Health Awareness Month: Is Your Company Ready?

May is Mental Health America’s 65th Mental Health Awareness Month; the theme for 2014 is “Mind Your Health.” I have my undergraduate degree in psychology, so this is a month and topic I’m passionate about and excited to explore further. Throughout the month, I’ll be covering a variety of mental health and general psychology topics!
I’ve previously written about ensuring you’re ADA compliant when it comes to mental health in the workplace and shared my infographic on workplace stress and mental health. This topic cannot be ignored by companies and employers; mental illness and substance abuse cost businesses about $80 to $100 billion in direct costs annually.
Ready to get your company on the right track when it comes to mental health? I’d like to start Mental Health Awareness Month by making you aware of the many great training courses we offer on OpenSesame covering mental health and wellness.
This eight-course “Smart Mental Health” bundle (and affiliated courses) from RedVector covers a range of topics from managing anger and emtions to reducing stress and anxiety to parenting to marriage to goal setting and visualization. You’ll find relevant topics for all areas of your life, from work to home. Create a positive, focused, and happy environment for yourself!
Most worksite wellness programs focus exclusively on physical health, completely neglecting other areas of health. However, significant employer expense arises both directly and indirectly from mental health and substance use issues. This course from introduces the concept of workplace mental health promotion, the perfect companion to the more traditional workplace health promotion already in use today.
This course from will teach you develop a new workplace mental health strategy and plan or improve what you are doing now. With a focus on an approach that is measurable, integrative, and flexible, the information presented here will enable you to increase financial ROI and employee engagement within your organization.
If you’re a healthcare professional working in a mental health setting, this course from NetLearning is for you. Become more sensitive to your patients’ needs and provide culturally and linguistically competent care to patients of diverse backgrounds. Psychiatric patients have their own set of needs; ensure you can approach these in a professional and culturally sensitive manner.
Want to start training? Check out our How to Buy page or get in touch. We’re happy to help!
How does your company handle mental health training and awareness? Do you have an innovative stress free policy or another creative way of looking at and handling psychological topics? Let us know in the comments.