4 Fire Safety Training Courses

fire safety courses

The Christmas lights have been put away for a while and we’re opening the windows instead of turning up the heat, but the summer is no time to ignore fire hazards in the workplace. Some of the most common reasons fires start in the summer are:

  • Cooking indoors
  • Grilling outside
  • 4th of July fireworks
  • Air conditioning units short-circuiting
  • Smoking

According to the 2010 National Census performed by the U.S. Department of Labor, work-related fatalities resulting from fires more than doubled from 2009 to 2010. This number makes up over 3.5% of total fatalities in the workplace. Use fire safety training courses to avoid becoming part of this statistic, keep your insurance risks down, and prepare your employees for the possibility of a fire.

Online fire safety courses are an affordable and effective way to teach proper fire safety and protocol. By keeping your employees trained and informed you drastically lower the chance of having an incident in the workplace. I’ve compiled this list of four courses to help your organization prevent fires and prepare for inevitable accidents:

Keep your workplace fire-free this summer by training employees and having easy to follow protocols for safely dealing with a fire.