If you work in sales or customer service, you’re probably no stranger to the occasional and classic angry caller. While unpleasant and sometimes unreasonable, navigating a hostile conversation to calmer waters can be difficult. However, in the world of business it can take years to build a relationship with a client or customer and only minutes to destroy it. Studies have shown that people who encounter negative experiences will tell an average of 16 people about the situation. ... [more]

With constant bombardment from various distracting things like games, social networking, people, unhealthy food, and the internet, it’s hard to focus on a project or assignment for a long period of time. Even without distractions, attention spans and focused powers can only last so long before wanting to do other tasks. Due to this, some individuals think they are only able to focus by drinking coffee and energy drinks, or by ingesting supplements full of harmful chemicals. Fortunately, you can stay on-task all day using easy and natural methods. Drop the drinks and pills: here are the 5 simple hacks to staying focused and on-task. ... [more]

You walk into a meeting only to be immediately received by a pack of angered faces. You look at the time, you’re a minute late. What’s the big deal? You ask yourself. It’s only sixty seconds. ... [more]

Are attending conferences and tradeshows a large part of your business/job? If so, learning the nuances to get the most out of conferences can be difficult. Whether you are new to the conference scene or are an experienced participant and attendee, understanding how to effectively use your time can save you valuable resources. ... [more]
