One fateful day, at the start of a new job, the CEO of the company was talking to the new hires about the essence of the company, how he started and why he started the company, among other things. Suddenly he asked a simple question that silenced everyone in the room: “Does anyone know the definition of technology?” ... [more]

The days of families huddling around radios to listen to their favorite nightly programs may be long gone, but the market for engaging audio programs hasn’t entirely diminished. In place of old-fashioned radio sets are headphones, smartphones, and apps that allow users to plug in and listen to thousands of audio programs covering a range of topics. ... [more]


Working from home - for some, it’s a dream come true, for others it’s a nuisance that makes work harder. Nearly 3.3 million Americans telecommute to work full-time - and this trend is only growing. Thanks to the constant change and advancement of technology, it’s easier than ever to take advantage of working remotely. ... [more]

In today’s ever-increasingly technological world, being digitally connected is essential to social, political and economic advancement. Technology has revolutionized the way we learn, teach, communicate, and carry out even the simplest of tasks. The Internet is becoming a basic necessity in any field, and providing others with this resource will contribute to workforce development. The digital divide is described as the gap between individuals with and without access to technology, such as personal computers and the Internet. The digital divide is not just limited to underdeveloped or developing countries. The issue exists in developed nations, both domestically and internationally. ... [more]

How do we learn? Who do we learn from? As humans, the easiest way for us to learn is from experience, and the more practical way for us to learn is from each other. Luckily social media has made it easier than ever for us to communicate and teach each other with ease. ... [more]

Thomas Edison said: “Genius is 1 percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration,” but he sure didn’t have Autodesk Inventor. In honor of today being Innovation Day, we’re shining the spotlight on Autodesk Inventor and how this software can work for you! ... [more]

The last fifty years have seen a dramatic increase in the number of women in the workforce and the acceptance of women choosing to have careers in exchange for or in addition to raising a family. Because tech is a front-runner in many fields, you’d think the tech industry would be following this trend and hiring more female workers, but unfortunately this is not yet the case. Instead, the male-dominated industry tends to limit (whether intentionally or not) the number of positions available to women, which overall limits growth and leaves out a valuable demographic. For the tech industry to continue to dominate, it needs to take advantage of its female resources. This infographic gives some background on women in the tech industry and how women workers can benefit the field. While some of the stats are disappointing, there is also growth in the right direction. ... [more]

So you’re planning a vacation, but a pressing project comes up with a deadline the week after. You’re up to your ears in work and don’t know when you’ll find the time to care of everything on your to-do list. Don’t panic—Office 365 is here to help! ... [more]

Cyber Monday, following on the coat-tails of Black Friday, is the year’s biggest online shopping day. On this anticipated day, all around the US people will be buying clothes, electronics, and gifts from a variety of websites—some less legitimate than other. Unfortunately this means that there are elevated risks of fraud and cyber attacks. For this reason we’d like to give you the basics of cyber security and the tools you can utilize to make safe transactions online! ... [more]

In the technology world, it seems like every week brings with it a new tech craze. And while some fizzle and die, others—like wearable technology— are making a name for themselves and becoming increasingly popular. Some people are even estimating these so called “wearables” will take off and become as big as smart phones. But for those of you who are still confused or unsure about this new technology and what it can do, read on! ... [more]
