A year ago if you were to ask if I see any commonalities between social media and elearning I would respond with, “absolutely not - they’re total opposites.” Initially, when most people think of elearning they envision education, compliance courses and maybe a quick way to learn a new computer skill. On the other hand, social media is used for connecting with family and friends, posting photos and making status updates. Despite these obvious differences, elearning and social media have a lot in common and can benefit from one another. ... [more]

Most businesses have made the transition to blogs, Twitter, and Facebook, (in fact, 84% of B2B marketers now use social media in some form), but the Instagram frontier still remains less navigated. This leaves the opportunity for your business to stand out and lead the way in your industry! Instagram has potential for businesses as an almost purely visually oriented social media platform. It’s important to make sure that the photography you are posting matches with the current branding of the company. Think about your company’s goals in relation to an Instagram account. ... [more]

According to this year’s 2015 Content Marketing Institute (CMI) Report, LinkedIn is not only the most used form of social media for B2B marketing but is also rated as the most effective social media platform. In an age of social media overload, it is easy to get lost in the mix so we’ve put together 5 quick tips to make your business stand out on LinkedIn: ... [more]

With a reach of over 284 million active users on Twitter, it’s no surprise that businesses now consider it almost a necessity to have an account. It has become an essential marketing tool for businesses big and small, and for good reason: it’s free, has the potential to reach millions of people, and more people are joining every day. But none of that matters if you don’t know how to effectively use this social media platform. ... [more]