Worried about bloodborne disease? Working in a high-risk environment? Get the knowledge you need to lower your bloodborne pathogen exposure risks with our tips and training! What are bloodborne pathogens? OSHA defines bloodborne pathogens as infectious microorganisms in human blood that can cause disease in humans. Pathogens are microorganisms including disease causing viruses, bacteria, funguses, and parasites. ... [more]

Bloodborne Pathogens

A healthy office = happy employees and increased productivity. Keep your workplace healthy this flu season, and avoid productivity loss due to an excess of sick days. We have officially entered the 2013-2014 flu season, so protect yourself and your employees as soon as possible! ... [more]

Office Health Sneeze

RN, BSN, LPN, CNA… There are many pathways to nursing, each varying slightly in training, responsibilities, and of course, pay. To get a closer look into the field of nursing, I researched the levels of nursing hierarchy and interviewed six current nurses about their backgrounds, jobs, and what they see for the future of nursing. ... [more]


Customer satisfaction is essential in any industry. Whether you are providing a product or service, your reputation is determined by the people on the receiving end. With a shift in the healthcare industry, customer reports are now shaping and adjusting reimbursements. In 2012, Medicare implemented a revised scale for reimbursements based on customer satisfaction reports. ... [more]
