You’re a business owner or HR professional who wants to encourage your employees to learn from one another. You have an idea of the available tools - Twitter, Wordpress, Diigo - but you’re not quite sure which you should use. You’re stuck on the big question: Which social enterprise learning technology is the best fit? ... [more]

social learning network

Here at OpenSesame, we always strive to better understand our customers. As a company with many large, international clients, we are naturally curious as to how other multinational corporations run their internal training. So when we came across Bill Goodwin’s article about Toyota Motor Europe’s elearning upgrades, we wanted to know more. We talked with Joost Segers, Technical Training Manager at Toyota Motor Europe, to get some insight. ... [more]

Toyota Logo

If you’re not currently employed, however, or your industry experiences a sudden shift, access to continued training and education can be difficult. On the employer side, many small to medium-sized businesses simply can’t afford to provide relevant training resources their employees. Fortunately, the federal government and many states have recognized the value of on-the-job and continued education to keep American companies competitive. The federal government has allocated funds to each state earmarked for workforce development and training, which has resulted in a number of grant and incentive programs available to businesses looking to offer ongoing training. ... [more]

Want to squeeze in some learning for your team before the end of the year, but worried you’re out of time? Have no fear! OpenSesame has you covered. There’s still time for learning in 2013. Use up the rest of 2013’s learning budget to ensure your 2014 budget is secure. No need to fall victim to a “use it or lose it” policy this year; no matter how much you have left to spend, you can find quality training on OpenSesame’s elearning marketplace. It’s quick and easy to deploy elearning to your team using OpenSesame. ... [more]

Calendar Countdown

Microsoft’s controversial employee-ranking program meet its end this week as the company strives to build a more collaborative culture. While this internal move won’t directly impact consumers, the shift illustrates a larger change in corporate culture and the elearning industry towards a more personalized approach. ... [more]

As elearning continues to comprise a growing portion of the overall mix of corporate training and learning initiatives, elearning developers are eager to position themselves ahead of the curve. What courses are in demand? Where can they differentiate their services? Based on data from our own marketplace and industry-leading analysts, here’s our Top Ten eLearning Topics for 2012.   The 30,000 Foot View of eLearning From a high level perspective, the broadest categories of interest are management skills, compliance content and industry- or product-specific knowledge. ... [more]
