How many Learning Management Systems (LMS) are used at your organization? As company size grows, learning is increasingly planned at the department level and the number of LMS increases--some companies use up to 30 LMS! Two-thirds of industry leaders admit that decentralized learning strategies hurt employee development, tenure and engagement. ... [more]

Group of diverse business professionals looking at a Mac monitor

The Medicare Rights Center, the largest and most reliable independent source of Medicare information and assistance in the United States, works tirelessly to ensure access to affordable health care for older adults and people with disabilities through its counseling, advocacy, and educational programs. To assist the modern workforce, Medicare Rights also partners with OpenSesame to make its comprehensive online Medicare curriculum, Medicare Interactive Pro (MI Pro), accessible directly through OpenSesame’s website. ... [more]

Doctor's table with Medicare label

Employee turnover is a lingering issue for many organizations and it can have some serious side effects. If employee turnover is not well maintained, a company can lose large chunks of time, money and productivity. Company culture is also related with employee turnover and can quickly be damaged by employees constantly leaving the company. Not all turnover can be avoided, but the factor that must be limited most is the voluntary quits by employees. Each time an employee voluntarily leaves a company, an expensive process must take place to replace that employee. ... [more]

In 1980, there were no female senior executives in the top 100 businesses in America.   In 1994, there were no female CEOs of Fortune 500 companies (Pew).   By 2015, women held 14% of the top five leadership positions in Fortune 500 companies (CNN).   In 2016, there were 21 female CEOs, or roughly 4% of the overall (Fortune).   This is, most certainly, progress.     It can be tempting to view such advances for women in the workplace with satisfaction and even complacency. ... [more]

People need just two things to start a company: an idea and a computer. Multi-million dollar, publicly traded companies have the ability to start in dorm rooms and garages (see: Apple, Facebook). Not surprisingly, the entrepreneurial spirit has spread further and wider than was ever imaginable even a decade ago. With increased accessibility to technology, the entire process of starting and running a business has changed beyond recognition. ... [more]

Unconscious biases are reinforced by the environments we grow up in and past experiences in our life. We could unknowingly be discriminating against people based on factors such as race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation and class. Remember--this doesn’t mean you aren’t a good person. However, it is necessary to address the existence of this phenomenon, and recognize the way our unconscious minds think. Here are 3 benefits of defying the unconscious bias in the workplace. ... [more]

Emoji, once reserved for text messages between teenagers, are now seen globally -- even in the workplace. In fact, 76% of US workers admit to using emoji in communication at work. Thanks to the growing population of Millennials in the workforce and changes in digital communication, it has now become more appropriate to use emoji in work communication. ... [more]

There has been a lot of buzz within and outside of the tech community about live streaming. From Snapchat’s debut in 2011 to Twitter’s ugly war with Meerkat and its later acquisition of the streaming service, Periscope, Facebook is now tentatively entering the live streaming market. ... [more]

As the world economy continues to expand, individuals in the workplace will see many more opportunities to work abroad. You might be thinking: Oh great, a relocation that will take me from the comforts of my stable life and people I love. However, as an ex-expat’s daughter, I can tell you this is not the case. Sure, the transition is hard, but the cultural experience you gain from it is priceless. Moving to a foreign country expands your boundaries, and creates a strong international network of people you can turn to for advice. ... [more]

Global Workforce

With a reach of over 284 million active users on Twitter, it’s no surprise that businesses now consider it almost a necessity to have an account. It has become an essential marketing tool for businesses big and small, and for good reason: it’s free, has the potential to reach millions of people, and more people are joining every day. But none of that matters if you don’t know how to effectively use this social media platform. ... [more]