Do you need to know: How to add a credit card to your OpenSesame account? How to add a new or edit an existing card to your account?   At OpenSesame, we want to make your buying experience as seamless as possible. By adding your credit card information to your OpenSesame account, purchasing courses will be a breeze. Storing your credit card in your OpenSesame profile is a safe and no-hassle way to purchase courses directly from your account in a few easy clicks. ... [more]

Person holding credit card in front of laptop

Think about it: the Internet offers you a chance to learn anything. You want to learn about the relations between France and Vietnam in the 17th century? No problem; you can easily find high-quality websites that give you the information you need. If you’re really interested in learning, however, you’ll need to take things further: online courses. These programs are structured like university courses. ... [more]

Employees looking at online learning course from a tablet

Let’s face it, we use our smartphones for just about everything - and learning is no exception. Unfortunately, there are times where users run into some technical issues. But no fear, we can help! Here are four tips that will enhance any mobile learning experience all while preventing technical issues. ... [more]

Let’s be honest; trying to find a job is scary. The thought of an interview alone is enough to make millions of people around the world break into a cold sweat. ... [more]

Instagram can be a great way to create a following for your company on social media. Instagram is a platform for aesthetically pleasing, jaw-dropping, and ever-intriguing images and captions. With that being said, there are many ways to hurt your Instagram opportunities by improperly using Instagram. Here are three Instagram tactics to steer clear of: ... [more]

Do you feel stagnation and repetition in your career? Is every day at work the same dull and depressing 8 hours of torture? Do you feel like you could do more with your life, inside and outside of the workplace? Most importantly, are you ready to start a set of changes that will permanently improve every facet of your life? ... [more]

In the digital era, more and more employers are performing thorough background checks on prospective employees, and are using online sites such as LinkedIn to discover everything they can about a certain individuals career, educational, and professional history. Even outside of a background check, LinkedIn is akin to an unofficial resumé, and is checked by anyone interested in hiring. So how do you make your LinkedIn into something unique, special, thorough, and ultimately representative of who you are as a person and as an employee? ... [more]

The concept of routine, and the discipline behind it is often overlooked. In a world of constant distraction and procrastination, routine is the savior we all should want. Each day, whether at the office, the kitchen, or the junkyard, brings a new set of challenges and successes. Think of these as mountains and valleys—naturally created formations with which you have zero control over. To some, that can be worrying. That’s why there are a few aspects of having a disciplined routine that must be mastered: ... [more]

Meeting with clients, visiting headquarters, looking at property, and getting together with teams are oftentimes ubiquitous travel trips all too familiar in the business world. Whether you’re a bonafide jetsetter or just heading out on a business trip for the first time, here are a few helpful tips: ... [more]

Have you ever been assigned a major presentation at a moment’s notice? If you have, you’ve most likely experienced the usual feelings of stress and anxiety. This is normal, and everyone gets this feeling. It feels like you’ve got plenty on your plate, and a scary presentation won’t be making things better. Presenting in front of a large audience can be daunting, and making a presentation in the first place is equally frightening. However, instead of shying away from your fears, overcome them one at a time! Finding success in presenting requires a different path for each person, but there are general rules that all should follow. ... [more]
