With hectic schedules and differing priorities, it can be difficult for employees to find the time to focus on their health. A study by the Society for Human Resource Management looked into some of the health risk factors affecting American employees. Among other factors, they found that 49% are physically inactive, 43% have high stress, and 76% do not eat enough fruits and vegetables. ... [more]

Did you know today is National Talk In An Elevator Day? Here at OpenSesame, we’re celebrating the best way we know how: by perfecting our elevator pitches! ... [more]

Everyone’s heard that body language is important - it really does affect how others perceive you. But did you know your own body language can affect how you feel? Your posture can have a surprising effect on self-confidence and performance. ... [more]

With a reach of over 284 million active users on Twitter, it’s no surprise that businesses now consider it almost a necessity to have an account. It has become an essential marketing tool for businesses big and small, and for good reason: it’s free, has the potential to reach millions of people, and more people are joining every day. But none of that matters if you don’t know how to effectively use this social media platform. ... [more]
