Change. It’s that big scary monster looming on the horizon, and when it comes around things are strange and different. Too often people fight change, whether it be in their personal lives, work lives, their country, or the world. Changes in thought or procedure run into resistance more often than not. When change comes around, people are tempted to fight it. Many people deny change, claiming they know the old way; it’s familiar and safe. But oftentimes fighting is what makes change hard. ... [more]

Cyber Monday, following on the coat-tails of Black Friday, is the year’s biggest online shopping day. On this anticipated day, all around the US people will be buying clothes, electronics, and gifts from a variety of websites—some less legitimate than other. Unfortunately this means that there are elevated risks of fraud and cyber attacks. For this reason we’d like to give you the basics of cyber security and the tools you can utilize to make safe transactions online! ... [more]

People learn in a multitude of ways, and elearning is a field that is extremely aware of this. Courses vary in every aspect from length to medium to degree of interactivity. One area of variation is quizzing techniques. Something every elearning course has in common is their goal: ensure content is memorable. An effective way to do this is check the learner’s memory along the way; the key technique used here is quizzing. Inline quizzes are integral to many elearning courses, but there are a wide variety of options and layouts. There are the classic multiple choice quiz with a few possible answers, or the vast array of interactive quizzing formats that utilize engaging elements like drag and drop. ... [more]

If you start every day convinced you won’t get your work done, won’t be able to get that promotion, or your boss will be disappointed in you, what do you think is going to happen? You probably won’t be very successful. Self-fulfilling prophecy is the idea that a prediction can indirectly or directly cause itself to be true. Any positive or negative expectations about circumstances or events can affect a person’s behavior, thus leading those predicted events to take place. ... [more]

As a manager, it is important that you are prepared to take on leadership and control the chaos that is busy nights and impatient customers. As the highest power on the floor, responsibility for success or failure falls to you and it is your job to be prepared for anything. Whether you are a restaurant, hotel, retail, or any establishment manager these 8 skills will give you the edge you need for success. ... [more]

There are some tools that every business, no matter the industry or size, cannot live without. One of these tools is document software. Specifically software that fulfills all your company’s document, report, and collaborative needs. Microsoft Word is the most familiar software of the type, but it is far from the only option. Each sporting different features, benefits, and drawbacks, Microsoft Word, Google Docs, and LibreOffice are all contenders for the document software in your office and personal life. While every company needs this kind of software, the specifics of their needs differ. ... [more]

Have you ever considered opening a restaurant and realized the cost is enormous and the competition is steep? This doesn’t necessarily mean you have to bury your dream. A great alternative to attempting to own and manage a restaurant is opening a food cart! If you live in a high population city you’ve probably passed food carts somewhere along the way. They tend to pop up in little pods and attract the locals on their way to and from work and on lunch breaks. Food carts require only a fifth of the investment of a restaurant and make great returns. With added flexibility, exciting options, and a fun atmosphere, owning a food cart is a little less like work and a little more like play. ... [more]

If you work in a healthcare environment in any capacity, you have an immense amount of responsibility for the health and safety of your patients. Your training doesn’t end after your often extensive of schooling is over. Ongoing training is of incredible importance in this field because of the numerous important things you need to think about and be aware of. You are expected to adapt as philosophies, expectations, and procedures change. This ongoing training helps you protect your patients, improve their experience, and keep them happy. ... [more]

If you’ve spent time on the internet you’ve probably happened upon an infographic (like this one or this one). These infographics offer awesome, creative, and visually appealing new ways to display information. They create the opportunity to turn a boring report or long article into something people want to read. We’ve seen, created, and loved infographics, and we want to share our love with you. If you’re ready to jump in and get started creating infographics, we’ve found a tool for you and created a course to teach you to use it! ... [more]

We all strive for a simpler life. There are numerous articles, advice books, tv spots, etc. sharing ideas, techniques, and secrets about how to simplify your life. That doesn’t mean people actually take advantage of any of these tools or strategies. So, to get a more personal and realistic touch, we decided to ask around to find out what real people do in our community. This blog post is an aggregate of the tools and strategies people use in their daily lives to simplify home or work, or any combination of the two! Taking the classic “ask a friend” approach we’ve discovered a few great tools and tricks you can easily integrate into your life! ... [more]
