Why Microlearning is the Hottest L&D Trend in 2017

Have you ever been told to complete a six-hour elearning course on compliance? Or taken time out of your already busy schedule to attend a week-long intensive training course? Or perhaps you’ve been given a textbook full of information that was overwhelming to digest? Training can easily become time-consuming and draining for learners, so much so that learning can be lost as soon as 24 hours afterwards.
Research suggests trying to learn too much at one time is simply not working. Technology is advancing, attention spans are decreasing, and learning and development is struggling to keep up. Information is now more widely available, quicker to access, and easier to process. Could all of this mean long-form training models are becoming redundant?
With learners having less time available but more demands than ever, modern organizations are now looking to microlearning as their most effective learning solution to re-engage their workforce.
Here are 6 reasons why microlearning should be at the top of your learning agenda:
1. No more memory loss
Microlearning supports self-paced training and also overcomes the challenge of knowledge retention. Short, concise and agile material allows learners to quickly consume content immediately before it is needed, rather than trying to recall past training sessions from months before.
2. Increased relevance
Microlearning is usually 2-3 minutes in length, which means it has to be concise and specific. By breaking large topics up into targeted content, learners are able to easily search for information that is directly relevant to their needs.
3. Your learners use this learning strategy already
70% of employees make up the the ‘Google Generation’ who turn to search engines to get the information they need. As people increasingly access learning in small chunks, there’s an opportunity for L&D professionals such as you to make this a part of your ongoing training strategy.
4. Optimized for on-the-go learning
Give learners control by offering them the ability to train on the device of their choice, anytime, anywhere.
5. Let your learners take responsibility
Encouraging learners to take on the responsibility of recognizing their knowledge gaps is an essential part of creating a productive learning pathway. Microlearning encourages learners to define where they need help and gives them the ability to access useful content as they assess how efficient they are at delivering against certain tasks.
6. Learning that’s great to look at
Animation is more engaging than traditional forms of learning, increasing learner engagement and retention rates. This is what makes microlearning such a unique and exciting way to learn.
So, how would this look in practice?
Check out ‘Don’t Let Fear Hold You Back’ from Skill Pill. Skill Pill are microlearning pioneers, producing quality microlearning packages on soft skills and business management strategy models for over 10 years. Contact Skill Pill to find out how they can make microlearning work for you.
Chris is Account Director at Skill Pill. Chris works to continuously optimize learner experience, uptake, and engagement with Skill Pill's micro-learning offering across their partner platforms