Compliance Training: A Vital Part of the Modern Workplace

compliance training is essential

More than ever, a company must protect itself against litigation. With the economy becoming more volatile and competition ever-fiercer, no company can afford to let profits shrink because of mistakes in judgment or actions taken out of compliance with existing law.

This speaks to the most obvious benefit of compliance training—protecting the financial health of the company. A more subtle, but perhaps far more valuable, benefit can be found in the stability and harmony this kind of training can establish in the workplace. Not only that, such training protects the integrity of the company as perceived by customers and peers alike.

No employee enjoys working in an environment that feels dangerous. We're not talking about thrill seekers and daredevil adrenaline junkies working on some physically challenging project. This is all about being able to trust the people with whom you work. Even the thrill seekers would find that a vital necessity.

What kinds of corporate training are we talking about? The topics are many and some of them include ethics, business conduct, whistleblowing without fear, sexual and other types of harassment, valuing diversity, protecting privacy, avoiding wrongful termination, fair housing and a host of others.

For instance, a hiring manager needs to know which questions are taboo. More than that, though, the hiring manager also needs to be aware that discussing certain topics, even under the guise of insignificant chit-chat can prove potentially risky.

For example, for companies that manage residential property rentals or sales, fair housing compliance training is essential. Each employee who deals with potential customers needs to be aware not only that certain things are taboo to discuss, but that all customers must be treated without regard for race, color, creed or any of a number of other criteria. Even the silent but illegal behavior of an employee can elicit hefty fines. If a local fair housing agency sends testers to one of your company's properties, would your employee pass or fail? As always, ignorance of the law is no excuse.

There are many options for compliance training, but perhaps the most exciting are those involving elearning or online training courses. These provide convenience and reduced downtime because your employees can take such training on their time, at their computer.

Frequently, such training costs less, too. This is because there is no live instructor, no classroom facility, no printed materials and no travel time.

So, to protect your corporate bottom line, ensure your employees know all there is to know about the No Fear Act, a drug-free workplace, the Family Medical Leave Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act and even proper hand washing.

Image Credit: cobalt123 on Flickr