When it comes to training, online vs. in-person is far from a settled debate. With arguments and preferences about efficacy, cost savings and speed-to-implement, it can be difficult to decide which way is best. Face-to-face classes are meant to be engaging and to give team members the chance to have their questions addressed by an expert. However, between scheduling class time and paying the speaker’s travel fees, these classes can be costly and time consuming. Plus, there is no easy way to ensure engagement. ... [more]

Black and white image of New York city

Online learning is crucial for global enterprises and large corporations. Information travels more quickly than ever, meaning your team has to be constantly learning to stay ahead of the competition. They want to develop their skills to work smarter, but you have to give them opportunity. ... [more]

Laptop and glasses resting on financial report

How do you get your team from point A to point B? Give them too much information and they’ll become overwhelmed. Give them too little and they won’t be sufficiently prepared to do their job. In a world where “content is king”, curation is a necessity for teams to stay on track and avoid being bogged down by irrelevant details. eLearning programs are no different. ... [more]

Light shining through a window speckled with rain

We all know what good elearning should be like, and we know it when we see it. It should be engaging and easy-to-use, while educating people to work more effectively - but what does that actually mean on a slide by slide basis? OpenSesame seller Automated Learning understands that only by taking care of the details can you achieve excellence in elearning. ALC specializes in providing online training courses focused on workplace learning. ... [more]

Check out our course of the week by The Inside Coach: Harassment Prevention for Managers! ... [more]

Today, we are proud to announce that we have made three major new hires to continue expanding our product development and customer support teams. Dave Depper, Edward Irby and Alexandra Hernandez will join the OpenSesame team to focus on improving site usability, expanding the functionality of the OpenSesame API and providing excellent customer service. Since our launch in 2010, we have expanded rapidly - from the size of our content catalog, to the number of publisher partners to the size of our team. ... [more]

Part of being an adult is occasionally having to do things you hate. Some of these things are innately unpleasant. You have to take out the trash, go to the dentist, complete projects at work you detest and clean up after your dog at the park. But, some of the things we hate are not innately unpleasant. Some of these things could be neutral or even enjoyable tasks. Shopping, for example, has been proven to flood our brain with the pleasure chemical dopamine. We feel ‘shoppers’ high’ when we’re in a position to purchase something. ... [more]

Man clutching stress ball angrily

Get 20 Soft Skills, Compliance and Safety Courses for $20 by Syntrio! ... [more]

Check out the course of the week: Turning Around Performance Problems by The Inside Coach! ... [more]

You don’t have to be a software engineer to succeed as an elearning developer. eLearning authoring tools give anyone the ability to make high quality online courses. But with so many tools on the market, how do you know where to start? This is our guide to choosing the right authoring tool for you. Articulate Studio ‘09 Articulate Studio ‘09 is an easy-to-use elearning authoring tool that works with Microsoft PowerPoint. Studio ‘09 is made up of three different tools: Presenter, Engage, and Quizmaker. ... [more]
