Have you ever taken an online course where you speed through the material, take the quizzes and get it out of the way? We’ve all been there. Have you sat through a class lecture drifting off into your own world because of the teacher’s boring material and monotone voice? We’ve all been there, too. Finding a balance between in-person and online learning is an ongoing challenge to many businesses and universities. eLearning is a valuable tool that can change the way people learn whether it be for their education, career or soft skills. A key factor to elearning is the way it’s being taught. ... [more]

For 15 years as a sports agent, I worked with some of the top athletes and coaches in the world. Besides their immense talent and hard work, what they all shared in common was a genuine desire to get better, and a real curiosity about how to do that. They were constantly studying the game and seeking the latest technology and analytics to give them feedback that they could use to improve their performance. We all have those people inside of our organizations too. ... [more]

This week, we’re continuing our series of posts featuring leadership training and expertise from Frank Lee. We already featured Frank’s training on the Three Fundamental Stages of Leadership, but this week we’ll discuss the difference between leadership and management. ... [more]

Frank Lee shares some of his thoughts on leadership and management training. ... [more]

As part of Frank Lee’s ongoing leadership seminars here at OpenSesame, he hosted a session on emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is defined as “the ability to identify, assess, and influence one’s own feelings and those of others.” Emotional intelligence, or EQ, applies to everyone -- it can help you strengthen relationships, understand others, and succeed at work, especially in leadership positions. ... [more]

Last week, the interns at OpenSesame took the morning off to volunteer at the Oregon Food Bank with a couple of other tech companies around Portland. What we often see is that people genuinely want to volunteer, but find it difficult to maintain their work-life balance. What would happen if all volunteers just suddenly quit showing up to work? Utter chaos, I would imagine. Volunteers make up a significant portion of our society, and their time and dedication create a great impact on the economy. Learn how you can help be a part of that change! ... [more]