OpenSesame relies on the widely-recognized SCORM and AICC standards to ensure that we can connect any author’s courses to any learner’s LMS.  Standards are like chalk on a chalkboard: they are the tools that enable us to keep our promise to unlock elearning for authors and consumers through a simple, open marketplace. We have heard from many content creators who have mixed SCORM and non-SCORM content within their libraries.  Perhaps their lessons meet the SCORM standard while their quizzes are delivered through a non-SCORM interface. ... [more]

Tools to Adapt Your Courses to SCORM Standards

I recently joined a discussion in the ELearning Guild’s LinkedIn group with this subject line: “How important is SCORM compliance today? ... [more]

The role of standards compliance in the elearning marketplace

You’re an elearning author. You’re ready to leverage your expertise by selling your elearning courses in the OpenSesame marketplace. You want to know where to begin. We’re here to advise you.1. What, this old thing? Yes, that old thing. Did you create a basic sales skills course five years ago? Aren’t sales skills still useful? Yes. Update Basic Sales Skills and the rest of your existing library of courses with fresh graphics and the latest developments in the field. ... [more]

Getting Started as a Content Provider in OpenSesame
